
Favicon/URL/Bookmark icon for you website

You can easily create a bookmark icon / URL icon / Domain Icon / favicon.ico for your website. This is usually called favicon.ico, and usually exists in your web root folder (htdocs, public_html, etc). Why would you do this? Your Brand is present in the users Browser URL/URI field in browsers and/or on the browser… Continue reading Favicon/URL/Bookmark icon for you website


On demand “Tailing” of a database log table: select the last x records

Recently I had to monitor some data being output to a log table while an application was running. The log table was quite large, and being written to constantly and also by portions of that system I wasn’t interested in. So I only wanted to see the 10 or 20 most recent rows / records… Continue reading On demand “Tailing” of a database log table: select the last x records